Kick names, take ass.

1-10-2008 10:57 pm
snazzykat: Almost Famous...almost
We just discovered today that someone somewhere posted a commercial from our PH on youtube. I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

Any publicity is good publicity....right?

Archimago - ()
And it had to be Molder Motors.
Archimago - ()
snazzykat - (digs scrawny pale guys.)
I guess I never thought to look for any of our spots on YouTube. This guy must be bored. :)
Archimago - ()
I couldn't find any that we have done in Joplin. I saw some older spots from Joplin, but not anything with which I was familiar.
David - ()
So who "wrote" the Molder Moters spot? Did they supply their own costumes?

I'm confused as to the ins and outs of local television advertising.
snazzykat - (digs scrawny pale guys.)
In this case, the guys a Molder had all the "creative" control, we were just camera monkeys. Most times we do write scripts, shoot, edit, etc. It's a glamourous life, but I try not to let it go to my head.

Oh, and yes, they also provided their own wardrobe. Bear in mind, this was not just a one time shot, there was an entire series of Molder Motors commercials featuring Jiggity Jake and The Low priced Ninja.
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