Kick names, take ass.

2-09-2010 3:25 pm
toodldo_4julie: They don't call 'em blue for nothing
scenic overlook on I64

I love the Blue Ridge Mountains :)

11-12-2009 1:03 am
toodldo_4julie: best. ornament. ever.

bumbles bounce

living room: christmas treeified

11-05-2009 6:39 pm
toodldo_4julie: Flu
People need to learn to just stay home and sleep. Idiots constantly flooding my ER like a plague of locusts. Just. GO. HOME.


2-13-2009 6:03 pm
toodldo_4julie: apparently people only
read my journal when I disappear for months at a time!


I now have Rock Band 2 and Guitar Hero World Tour fever, for those of you keeping up with my health haha..

It's a shame that there aren't more lyrical rock songs on there.. I do enjoy handling the mic.

We registered online and recommended Nightwish songs. I think they should fully have at least 10 available. More if it were up to me :D

Think I'm gonna go play Fable2 and kill some time till Dennis gets home... then it's off to get the car inspected..

mood: good

11-07-2008 2:50 pm
toodldo_4julie: The election
I'm happy. We won VA for the first time in a looong time. Man a lot of the people around here are pretty upset!

On another note. Baby fever is horrible.

I hate my ovaries and their pcos-ness.

I'm going to make pancakes for Dennis and I. Pancakes make everything better. (not really, but they are mighty tasty!)

mood: good
music: my playlist.. i sure do like!
stomach: hungry

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