Kick names, take ass.

9-12-2007 6:23 pm
Aar0n: Don't Dream It's Over
That was a very, very long way to drive in one day. The drive home wasn't so bad, but it was very long. I had to drop my brother, sister, and Taylor off by my brother's house. That means that, when we got back, I still had half and hour to drive. It was rough.

The concert was pretty awesome. Liam Finn opened with several crazy songs. He uses a loop pedal to play over five different parts on his guitar. Then, he jumps on the drums and rocks out for a minute or two while the loop is playing. Pete Yorn didn't play for nearly long enough. He only played a handful of his most popular songs.

Crowded House was fantastic. They still got it, I swear. The funniest thing was watching all of the aging Crowded House fans dance around and get crazy by the stage. Also, there was this crazy, drunk guy sitting a couple rows in front of us. He nearly got thrown out a few times. Who lays down during a concert?

I'm really happy that I got to see Laura again. She was really pretty last night. Not that she isn't every night, but she had this cool Cleopatra thing going with her makeup. Pretty cool.

Groovin to: The Everly Brothers - All I Have To Do Is Dream
Surfing: In My Pants

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