Kick names, take ass.

6-08-2007 4:30 am
Thr4ll: Deja Vu
Wow... this feels familiar. I know I've said this a thousand times now, but I'm back! *pauses for applause* Anyway, hopefully I won't punk out on yall again. By the way, Steve is my hero.


PS. I'm gonna get a fresh start with a new screen name. I don't really even use this one anymore. From now on, I shall simply be Aaron... Maybe, Aar0n to make it just a bit more leet.

Groovin to: Rick Astley - Never Gonna Give You Up
Surfing: Facebook

12-13-2005 6:47 am
Thr4ll: 3 down, 2 to go
I finished my 3rd class today. Since the grades in my Finance class are actual University grades and not that +/- scale crap, I should have an A with a 93 or 94 average.

A side note on Wikipedia:
Has anyone here ever edited an article on Wikipedia? Man, I corrected someone's grammar a little while ago and they flipped out! I wasn't ugly about it or anything. I was just rearranging a sentence so it made sense, and this dude reverts and sends me a message telling me to back off from his articles. I changed it anyway and notified a moderator. Dem sum touchy murfs...


Mood: Sexy
Music: Kanye West - Golddigger
Browsing: Wiki this, bitch!

12-10-2005 6:43 am
Thr4ll: Almost...there...
Well, I completed one class last week without having to take the final, and I took the final in one of my classes today. Just three more to go. I should have A's in all my classes, but I may get an little lower grade in the one I finished today. Who the hell decided it was fair to have -/+ letter grades in college? It's the only college class that I've take where, if you made a 90, you get an A-. That's just not fair. I mean, why should I have to get a 3.9whatever in that class because a made a grade that would be 4.0 in any other class. Stupid deans and their money...


Mood: Feliz Navidad
Music: Craig David - Seven Days
Browsing: Compfused

11-30-2005 2:12 am
Thr4ll: Thanksgiving...yeah, sure...
Alright, I'm not going to be ugly. Here it goes... My aunt, whom my family hasn't seen in an age, came to thankgiving this year at my grandmother's house. She got very drunk and claimed that she had raised my cousin, who was also there, badly. This is untrue because she kicked said cousin and his brother, now dead, out of her house to take up with a pedophile. That was when he was 13 and the other cousin -who, if I may remind you, is now dead- was 9. Also, on a funny note, my cousin showed up with his very pregnant girlfriend. That was news to everyone. Happy Thanksgiving!


Mood: Guess
Music: Three 6 Mafia - I Gotta Stay Fly

11-17-2005 3:09 am
Thr4ll: Hooray!
Take a miracle, doust it with pleading, add a few cups of hustling, 6oz of ass-kissing, half a dozen firey hoops, and half a stick of threats, let simmer for 7 hours; and you have my day. Today, through some of my patented magiks as well pure goddamn luck, I have registered for all my Spring 2006 classes without having to go through the dreadful and often deadly permit process. Now, to tackle that parking permit...


Mood: And the Lord sayeth, "Whoops! Almost forgot about you there."
Music: Silvertide - Ain't Comin' Home
Browsing: I like my chemical wonder like I like my women; dark, rich, and scalding to the tongue.

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