Kick names, take ass.
11-06-2024 9:09 pm
fuzmeister: Why?
Seriously? This is apparently what the majority of voters who showed up yesterday wanted for the next four years??

Honestly, nothing should surprise me anymore... the 21st century really kind of sucks!

Mood: Sadly, Not Terribly Surprised
Music: Metallica - Nothing Else Matters

Tags (beta): politics

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10-08-2012 7:26 pm
fuzmeister: Four Weeks To Go
I am so tired of the rhetoric from both sides. I am so sick of being bombarded with political advertisements every minute of every day. Before you know it, we'll be blaming whoever gets elected for whatever our current problems are. I'm not trying to be a sniveling bitch, but when are people going to realize things aren't probably going to change that much no matter who gets in?

That being said, are there really people who think things have gotten that bad? Maybe I have an unrealistic perception of what a good standard of living is. I still see people consistently buying luxury items and eating out daily. And, no, I don't live in some affluent part of Pennsylvania; I live in one of the poorest parts of the state. Now, I do NOT want to make it seem like I am not in favor of social assistance when it is needed. My point is that people generally do things they can't afford to do these days (myself included at times). Maybe people don't know how to manage their money properly. That's probably the real crisis that should be addressed here.

Neither candidate is going to be able to magically create jobs out of thin air. An ever-growing group of slacker twenty-somethings who feel entitled isn't helping anything. I hate working too, but I know a job is something I must to do to maintain my desired quality of life. Maybe you should have gone to school for something more career-oriented. I was going to go to art school for illustration, but I ended up doing computer science and communications. Yeah, those aren't fun, but at least I can own my own place and do things I like now. It's just part of how things are. Sometimes you have to man up and do things you don't want to do. I've come to accept this. You have the right to follow your dreams and do what you want in life, but if you can't make it on that path, don't go crying about it!

Whoever wins the presidential election probably won't change the world. In fact, it's virtually a sure thing that in four years we'll be going through this whole blame game campaign stuff again. I guess that's just the nature of 21st century living...

As a side-note, what's up with everyone saying our president is a socialist these days? Maybe people should look up socialism in the dictionary.

Yours truly,
Comrade Steve

Mood: Moderately Irritated
Music: Rush - Red Sector A

Tags (beta): politics

Comments (13)

3-20-2009 8:09 pm
fuzmeister: Does It Offend You, Yeah?

Was anyone here offended by Mr. Obama's comment last night on Leno making a correlation between his bowling skills and the special olympics? I posted it on facebook a few hours ago and several people have provided their two cents already, so I figured I'd get the Vent community bustling with debate.

I have a feeling that most here probably weren't offended by his remarks though. I sure wasn't.

In fact, I think it's virtually absurd people would be offended. It wasn't the most tasteful comment (especially for a person in his office), but I don't think it warrants such a backlash from the Joe Sensitives of America.

Mood: Non-P.C.
Music: Captain Beefheart & His Magic Band - Ice Cream For Crow

Tags (beta): politics

Comments (8)

12-15-2008 5:21 am
fuzmeister: Friends, Americans, Countrymen...
... lend me your shoes.

Mood: Intrigued

Tags (beta): politics

Comments (4)

11-05-2008 5:10 am
fuzmeister: Oh My...
We did it... we, as a generation, have ushered in a new age of American prosperity...

Mood: Elated

Tags (beta): politics

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