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10-20-2016 5:29 pm
fuzmeister: The Glorious Demise of the Wii Brand
Earlier today, Nintendo announced a new video game console to be released next year. While I have my own collection of thoughts specifically on that, one of the highlights of today was the realization that the poisonous Wii brand is finally dead and Nintendo can finally be released from the shackles of the past.

When the Wii came out ten years ago (!!!), it was a hot item for months and months. It encouraged non-gamers and casual bystanders to pick one up with its prospect of motion-gaming and a "new level of interactivity." Unfortunately, after the hype-dust settled, Nintendo's core audience was alienated by a system plagued by loads of shovelware and missing the ever-crucial support of third-party developers.

When the successor Wii U was eventually announced, Nintendo's attachment to the Wii brand and lack of aggressive marketing caused the console to stagger right out of the gate. Many who had played the Wii were confused about what the Wii U exactly was. While third-party support started out very promising, low sales eventually caused key players to pull their support of the console. I personally love the games I have for Wii U, but let's be real - the majority of classic titles made for the Wii U have been first-party Nintendo games. No doubt.

Now in late 2016, the Nintendo Switch has been revealed. I don't want to comment too much on the system or its potential at this point, but the first press release makes it a point to list FORTY-EIGHT third-party companies (most developers) that will support their new console. I want to remain optimistic they will be able to move past the last decade which started off so much more promising than it ended. Ditching the Wii branding was a great first step in potentially doing so.

Mood: Optimistic
Music: The Rolling Stones - It's All Over Now

Tags (beta): video games, nintendo

Comments (2)

11-22-2011 1:56 pm
fuzmeister: Best Amazon Review of The New Zelda Game EVER
I hope this is a joke.

Mood: Amused
Music: Black Sabbath - Megalomania

Tags (beta): video games, nintendo, amazon

Comments (0)

6-15-2010 5:40 pm
fuzmeister: E3 - Nintendo
Watched the Nintendo press event over my lunch today online. It seems like (as usual) they have some interesting first party stuff in development. Here's a few random thoughts regarding what they showed:

  • New Zelda (Skyward Sword) seems to put even more emphasis on motion controls. Piss off. -1
  • Kirby Epic Yarn reminds me a lot of Little Big Planet. 0
  • Nintendo 3DS comes with a 3D depth adjuster so you can turn it off if you want. +1
  • Kid Icarus Uprising will finally bring the series back to life with a new game. +1
  • New Donkey Kong Country game developed by Retro Studios (please don't try to include some gimmicky motion controls and ruin this). +1
  • New Mario sports game. -1
  • New Mario sports game kills a lot of potential games by including several sports! +1
  • LOTS of third party support for Nintendo 3DS. +1
  • Didn't see much third party support for Wii. -1
  • New game milking off the eager teets of fan boys by using the Goldeneye name (but not really looking like it has much to do with the original or looking like they spent much time on the graphics). -1

So, overall, more positives than negatives...

Mood: Eh

Tags (beta): video games, nintendo

Comments (2)

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