Kick names, take ass.
7-21-2008 12:34 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: McCain
The McCain campaign is making a big deal about John McCain having been taken prisoner and tortured during the war, and particularly about how he refused to leave when offered release until his coworkers were also released. What does this really tell us about the man?

1) He's wasn't particularly good at his job. I mean, come on. He got himself captured.

2) He values loyalty over self-preservation. Rather than getting out, where he might conceivably even have been able to do some good for the other captives, or the cause in which we can only assume he believed, he stayed with them and accomplished nothing.

Yeah, this is the best story you can use to pump up this guy's image. Actually, though, since the average American won't realize this is an example of his incompetence, it potentially WILL do a great deal to help him, which is just appalling. We didn't even belong in that war in the first place.

Mood: RAGE!
Socks: None
2-HeadedGiraffe: SMASH!

Tags (beta): politics

Comments (5)

6-20-2008 11:54 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: A Post About a Comic That's Not Mine
Today's Dueling Analogs strip is an expansion on an idea that cropped up on Vent once before. I thought it was somewhat amusing. Someone remind me to update this post later to make it a link to the strip in the archive once it's there, which I guess should be after that strip's next scheduled update, Mondayish.

Mood: Feelin
Music: Steve Thompson - Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)
Etc.: Blade Runner

Tags (beta): comics, politics

Comments (1)

4-01-2008 9:23 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Obama Trivia
I heard a bit of an interview with Barack Obama the other day. First of all, he prefers the Rolling Stones to the Beatles, and he recently bowled a thirty-seven. I can't remember the rest.

Tags (beta): celebrities, politics, linkarama

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2-11-2008 3:46 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Why I'm Afraid of Obama: a Post of Sarcasm
One established fact makes me afraid of this nation electing Obama to the office of President. That proven fact is as follows:

Once you go black, you never go back.

Now, I have nothing against giving blacks or other minorities political power, but are we really ready to bar whites from the Oval Office forever?

Mood: Sarcastic
Music: They Might Be Giants - Ana Ng
Etc: Diamonds

Tags (beta): politics, sarcasm

Comments (1)

1-27-2008 3:35 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Zeitgeist: the Movie
I urge you to watch this. It's just under two hours, but it's really full of of fascinating and somewhat disturbing information. The first couple videos here are about religion, then it gets into 9/11 and a broader view of US history. Everyone should see this.

Tags (beta): politics

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