Kick names, take ass.
7-22-2004 3:15 am
Buffy: No matter who you plan on voting for...
...whether Kerry or Bush, go to this site if you need to laugh.

Browsing: This Land Is My Land

Comments (11)

7-11-2004 4:08 am
Buffy: Home again
Well, Florida was great. It was so great to finally get away for a while. But I must say I am glad to be back.......I missed my bed. So I get a few more days here before I get to leave again to go to a wedding in Alabama! yippie-skippy!! *sarcasm* Hopefully I'll get a few days to get back in the swing of things before my parents start jumping up my butt again.....oh wait this is the real world I live in and they've already started that. but coming home and sleeping till 7 pm was if only i could get back asleep.

Mood: sleepy

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7-03-2004 9:37 pm
Buffy: Stupid People
Stupid people really piss me off. People that can't drive are always annoying. People that can't understand you're order at the drive thru. People that constantly insist on ignoring common sense. And most of all, smart people doing the stupid thing even when they know the smart thing but insist on doing the stupid thing just to spite you and to learn the hard way. How many times do we have to get ourselves hurt before we learn? How many times do we have to say we're done and then turn around and do the very same thing a week later? Why do people insist on putting themselves in dangerous situations when they're already hurting? How many times do we have to go out with a person we know isn't right for us just to get hurt again? Why do we do this to ourselves? Why are we such magnets for pain and continually drawn to it? Ahh! It's even more annoying when you can't do anything to stop them.....and when they're doing the very things that caused you so much pain years before. Why do girls insist on going out with guys that are no good for them? What is it really with Southern girls especially? They seriously can't make a right decision until they've made all the wrong ones! and I don't even care that I just quoted a's true...

Mood: pissed off and annoyed
Music: DMB

Comments (8)

6-26-2004 3:32 pm
Buffy: Utter fatigue
Anyone have any good cures for insomnia?

Mood: Tired but awake
Music: Velvet Revolver-Slither

Comments (14)

6-26-2004 4:56 am
Buffy: Boredom
Nothing exciting happened today. I got up around 1 after my sleeping pills wore off. Piddled around the house avoiding the work I had and still have to do. Then my best friend came over for a little while until she and I both had to leave. Went to work then met some friends for coffee. Came home. I still haven't talked to Nick since I got home from trip number 1 even though I was supposed to call him when I got home and that's been about 4 weeks now and he hasn't called either. I broke up with him in May, but we were still kind of seeing each other. On the other hand, something may be developing with Alex. We'll see! Oh well! Can't wait to see what tomorrow has in store! (enomorous sarcasm) If only I could sleep!

Mood: Bored and longing for sleep
Music: Let It Be-Beatles

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