Kick names, take ass.

8-20-2007 3:55 am
snazzykat: Who's Sorry Now...
The family of Patricia Nielsen (her nephews and nieces since she had no children of her own) says she was "out of her mind" before committing suicide last fall. However, I think it is far too ironic that shortly before her untimely death she transferred all her money (approximately $300,000) to Connie Francis, the singer who's big hit in the 60's was called "Who's Sorry Now".

It would be interesting to me to know exactly what the family relationship was like. I think it is telling that now there is a brewing legal battle between the Nielsen family and Francis over who actually has the rights to the money.

Personally, I think old Patricia knew exactly what she was doing. Is it wrong that I find this incredibly amusing?

2-HeadedGiraffe - (*(..)*)
Finding pleasure in the pain and suffering of others is natural. It's part of what makes us human.
snazzykat - (digs scrawny pale guys.)
That's not exactly what I meant by that statement, perhaps I should rephrase.

I think it is, while a bit morbid, very humorous that Patricia took the time to make efforts to make sure her family didn't get any of her money after her death, and even moreso that the person she left it to was well known for a song that could be directly related to how she felt about her family.

Of course, I don't know anything about this woman or her family, and I'm probably wrong.

I still think, by going by my first glance response to this story, that it would be highly satisfying to a woman who was so fed up with life and with the greed of her family to make the arrangements she did. Her family seems to be reacting the same way they might of during her life, by making a big fuss over this un-earned cash, as if they had any say in what she did with her money.
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