Kick names, take ass.

9-19-2007 2:30 pm
snazzykat: I can't believe I'm the first one...
Avast ye Scurvy dogs, have a bloody good Talk like a Pirate day, or I'll keel'haul ye.

David - ()
Arrrgh, I be the only certified pirate 'ere! A'least as far as tha World O' Warcraft be concerned!
Archimago - ()
Matey... Pirates ort nought to be certey-fied. The legality of it all could get ye keelhauled.

And as fer you Snazzy, I done sent out pigeons this morn' with a message. Yourn musta been supper.
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
Did you hear about the pirate what had a ship's wheel attached to his codpiece?
It was driving his nuts.

snazzykat - (digs scrawny pale guys.)
A likely story, Arch you land lubbin' squab! You'n the filfiest fibber who'n ever sailed the seven seas. I wouldn't even trust ye to man the bilge!
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