Kick names, take ass.

9-19-2007 2:30 pm
snazzykat: I can't believe I'm the first one...
Avast ye Scurvy dogs, have a bloody good Talk like a Pirate day, or I'll keel'haul ye.

9-14-2007 12:57 am
snazzykat: Reality.
Sometimes, it really sucks having to come back to it.

mood: melancholy

9-10-2007 1:41 am
snazzykat: Should I go for it?
I have a little money set aside for special treats, and now the Apple Store has marked down the 4GB iPhone to $299.

What do you guys think? I am really conflicted on this one.

8-29-2007 2:22 pm
snazzykat: I have decided
that Derren Brown makes me hot. No mind control required.

8-20-2007 3:55 am
snazzykat: Who's Sorry Now...
The family of Patricia Nielsen (her nephews and nieces since she had no children of her own) says she was "out of her mind" before committing suicide last fall. However, I think it is far too ironic that shortly before her untimely death she transferred all her money (approximately $300,000) to Connie Francis, the singer who's big hit in the 60's was called "Who's Sorry Now".

It would be interesting to me to know exactly what the family relationship was like. I think it is telling that now there is a brewing legal battle between the Nielsen family and Francis over who actually has the rights to the money.

Personally, I think old Patricia knew exactly what she was doing. Is it wrong that I find this incredibly amusing?

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