Kick names, take ass.

8-12-2008 4:06 pm
toodldo_4julie: past few months
*Went to Myrtle Beach for the first time ever. It was ok. Still like Chincoteague better. (going there next week :])

*Cut off 12 inches of hair and donated it.

*Have many pregnant friends and new mommy friends... makes me want a baby now even more. :( stupid PCOS. urgh.

*Still working in the ER... trained at every possible location now and am one of only 3 that know how to check charges. Hope that means I'm indispensible. ;)


*Still happily married and in love. Best husband ever :)

*Annoyed with "I am so-and-so and I approve this message" ads put up by presidential candidates.. and I don't even have cable. (too much money for commercials.. we'd rather spend it on games/entertainment we can keep.)

*New TV :D

*Amazed at how quickly the 2 kid sisters are growing up.. MB just 'graduated' elementary school and looks 15 instead of 11. wow!

*Rediscovered the amazing power of the triscuit and of wheat thins.

*Still hung up on Nightwish's new (not really new anymore but I've had it since it came out) CD.. I like it a lot!

*Turned another Pennsylvanian into a Carbon Leaf fan.

*Have new love interests.. both less than a month old :D

*It's a good life I have. Somedays it's just nice to sit back and acknowledge that and take a few minutes to be glad.

mood: alive

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