Kick names, take ass.

8-12-2008 4:06 pm
toodldo_4julie: past few months
*Went to Myrtle Beach for the first time ever. It was ok. Still like Chincoteague better. (going there next week :])

*Cut off 12 inches of hair and donated it.

*Have many pregnant friends and new mommy friends... makes me want a baby now even more. :( stupid PCOS. urgh.

*Still working in the ER... trained at every possible location now and am one of only 3 that know how to check charges. Hope that means I'm indispensible. ;)


*Still happily married and in love. Best husband ever :)

*Annoyed with "I am so-and-so and I approve this message" ads put up by presidential candidates.. and I don't even have cable. (too much money for commercials.. we'd rather spend it on games/entertainment we can keep.)

*New TV :D

*Amazed at how quickly the 2 kid sisters are growing up.. MB just 'graduated' elementary school and looks 15 instead of 11. wow!

*Rediscovered the amazing power of the triscuit and of wheat thins.

*Still hung up on Nightwish's new (not really new anymore but I've had it since it came out) CD.. I like it a lot!

*Turned another Pennsylvanian into a Carbon Leaf fan.

*Have new love interests.. both less than a month old :D

*It's a good life I have. Somedays it's just nice to sit back and acknowledge that and take a few minutes to be glad.

mood: alive

5-15-2008 1:23 pm
toodldo_4julie: ...odd.;_ylt=ArTAXaGpm1clp.A9lBz4A8AuQE4F

2-26-2008 7:03 pm
toodldo_4julie: cars
We got a new car.
It's rather nice, if I do say so..
Toyota Yaris.... YARRRRR!

our yaris:

music: otis redding
location: home
mood: happy

11-03-2007 7:42 pm
toodldo_4julie: The result of irresponsibility
Today there was a big car accident on I64 and we got 8 patients from it. The worst off was a 5-yr-old girl who had been sitting on her grandma's lap in the front seat. Who the hell would let their little kid sit on their lap in the front seat on a long trip involving the interstate? Stupid people.

Mood: disgusted

10-01-2007 10:24 pm
toodldo_4julie: I'm glad
we have 3 cats instead of 3 dogs. This urinary tract infection thing would suck if we had to get up every 5 minutes to let one of the dogs out to pee.

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