Kick names, take ass.

8-26-2007 8:46 pm
toodldo_4julie: water
Yesterday was I think the largest lightning-thunder-hail-downpour storm I've experienced. It was loud. Bright. Wet. Violent.

Oh, and it flooded our window well so that the water was about a foot and a half up the glass of the window and water was streaming in and over half of our second bedroom was.... a mini swimming pool.

Shop vac is awesome.

Pippin and PJ have urinary tract infections :( but Samwise seems to be ok.

And I saw a doggie on the side of the road yesterday morning, and it was dead :( This is just not a very good time for carpets or pets.

8-21-2007 3:34 pm
toodldo_4julie: If you've been
holding it all night, it feels really good to finally have a good pee.

8-20-2007 1:28 pm
toodldo_4julie: vacations
are always over too soon and are harder to come back from each year. *sigh*

everything was picture perfect..
except the weird allergic reaction at the beach the first day where my hands swelled up and turned beet red and i had red stripes over my body. got dizzy, threw up, felt better, swelling went away.

ocean swimming is best :) I took 230 pictures. yikes!

mood: good
current activity: first day back to work
shoes: unfortunately

7-17-2007 2:00 am
toodldo_4julie: Friday the 13th
wasn't horrible. But it should have been better. Walmart killed some of my pictures. :

But we saw transformers. And while it was corny... it seemed to be well done. I don't know how true to the story it was though, because I don't think I ever watched the cartoon or anything. I just remember those little plastic toys that you could twist around to look like either a robot or a car or something of that nature.

I'm a photo album completing fiend!

mood: good
plans: go home and eat cookie dough ice cream
back: stiff

6-13-2007 11:00 pm
toodldo_4julie: somedays...
the litter boxes are just too much to deal with when a household has 3 cats.

we went away for the weekend to visit my dad (in pa, sounds funny going to pa to visit), and came back to 2 litterboxes filled with lots of presents.

Cat pee is some pretty foul stuff. Whew!

But we sure love those cats.

In other news, yahoo answers is oddly addicting in spite of it's stupidity. or rather, the 80 % of the users' stupidity. the program itself is not stupid.

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