Kick names, take ass.
5-14-2002 8:55 pm
boat: its finally here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
tommorow is THE day i've been waiting for years for. Episode II is here!!!!!!!!!!!!praise be to the gods of lucas!!!!!!!!!!!!and a special praise to bubba who got me my ticket. PRAISE BE TO BUBBA!!!!!!!!!!! I AM SO HAPPY!!!!!!!!!!!!WOOOOHAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!TALLY-HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!TO THE BLAH MOBILE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mood: WOOOHAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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4-14-2002 1:19 am
boat: whatever
once again, i find myself here trying to think of something to write. i find myself disspleased with my current situation and feel the awnsers are right in front of me, but i can't seem to find them. my parents, or should i say one of my parents, is still on this holy kick of trying to get me back to church. she even sat me down and talked to me because she thought that i was thinking about suicide!!!! what do you say to that? i'm just going to live one day at a time and do what i can to acheive my dreams and goals.

Mood: tired
Music: michelle branch- all you wanted

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3-31-2002 4:52 pm
boat: don't really have one
things actually have been going pretty good lately. i know it cant last, but i'm enjoying it so far. theres a couple friends i'd like to hear from or go see that i havent seen in a little while, so i think i'll spend the day doing that. for what it's worth, happy easter peoples.

Mood: good
Music: none

Comments (1)

3-20-2002 1:02 am
boat: rambling
maybe it is human nature to live in the past. maybe it's not remembering the past that is so bad, it's dwelling on the past that you shouldn't do. like today, i was remembering a time when i went out with friends, and everybody got along, we all laughed the night away....i caught myself smiling as i remembered it. it's the sad, or hurtfull things that i don't wish to visit, or dwell on. it's possible to ignore parts of things if it's the other things that make you happy. the past isn't just one thing. it's the good and the everything. why is it not possible to remember and want the good things and ignore the bad, or not dwell on the bad?

Mood: distant

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3-13-2002 9:47 pm
boat: dreams do come true.....right?
i took the first step in realizing my dream. i e-mailed a financial aid lady-person at lebette county to try to set up an appointment to chat with her about my attending....
they are the only juco i found with alot of the classes i'll need at boston. i finally hit the point at work today...i would stand there and just see my life going to hell if i stayed. i don't see how people do it. i'm going to make something of myself, or die trying...and it's going to be the something i want to be. it almost feels like a second chance...but like it arrived two chances to's weird really. i'm 23 and i feel like i've already lived 50 years. i feel like if i don't realize my dreams and goals now, i never will.

Mood: pertty niffty
Music: trans-siberian orchestra

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