Kick names, take ass.
3-11-2002 9:19 pm
boat: where are they?
well, i havnt written anything in awhile, so i just thought i would write i've been thinking alot about "the old days" lately....all the weird and stupid stuff my friends and i have done...i kinda miss 'em. like sbq..i know it was pure hell most the time, but it was fun when we were on the road. and those trips to taco bell every sunday night with a couple of pals....then later on, it became dairy queen. i knew most of us would grow apart....i just didn't think it would be this far apart.............

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3-06-2002 9:43 pm
boat: i ran to far to care...i ran untill i bled.
it's weird how one minute you can feel satisfied with life, then the next, your questioning it. it's like the song by nickleback..."whered the good times go? all the shit we've done, all the stupid fun, whered the good times go?" i miss all the times i had.....well, most of the times i had. but, in a way, thats going against a line i wrote in one of my songs..."is it our human way to live in the past, to visit a grave and hope it to last?" is it wrong to "visit" the past, or is it the wanting it to stay there thats so wrong?

Mood: somber and alone
Music: Final Visit (the song i wrote....with no music)

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3-05-2002 9:36 pm
boat: LARRY NEEDS TO DIE!!!!!!!
yet, another wonderful day with larry....(sigh). i would love to know what in the hell could a man go through in his life to make him become such a f--king a--hole? you think after finally blowing up at the man would open his wrinkled, crusty eyes....but no....the bastard STILL thinks he is in charge and STILL tells me what to do!!!! he has even added cursing me out to the list of wonderful qualities that make him so damn loveable. i don't handle being cursed at very well....about as well as being told what to do by someone who is not in charge. so i guess today was the start of round 2. god, i need a new job. LIMEY BASTARD!!!!BLOODY-HELL AND DAMN!!!!!!!!!CHRIST!!!!!!!!!!!PROFANITY, PROFANITY, PROFANITY!!!!!!!

Mood: GUESS!!!!!!!
Music: anything to do with killing people

Comments (2)

2-26-2002 9:33 pm
boat: a perfect day?!
today, i found humor in anger...i found happiness in pain and i found encouragment in anothers words.....what more could a day bring me? i've been given another look at my dream through another point of view....and i want it more now than i did before. i now retire to my princess and my daily wrestling game.

Mood: satisfied

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2-21-2002 11:06 pm
boat: hollier than thou
i can't believe people sometimes. this guy at work actually had the nerve to start preaching to me. this guy swears like a sailor, calls people names all the time, you know, the perfect "christian" type. he proceeded to tell me about the grace of god......i'm don't get me wrong, i have nothin against church goers, hell, i used to be one. but i'll be damned if i'm gonna have someone who dosn't even accidently acts like a good christian boy start preaching to me and telling me i'm not living right. i left for my reasons, and i don't want people giving me sermons when they have no idea why. where does it say in the bible that "thou shalt go to church, a building in which people get together and talk behind others backs and push responsibility on people and judge and ridicule in order to be saved and be a christian?" to hell with it all. I live MY life....not a building with hypocrites.

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