fuzmeister: Music in All Aspects of Life
I'm back in Lititz for the Christmas holiday. The traffic coming home today was kind of busy, but I made it home in under 4 hours... maybe it was under 3 and a half; not sure.

Last night I was at Kate's parents' house. She and I exchanged Christmas presents since we can't be together on the holiday. She got me a 30GB Zune (a blessing after this past years' iPod debacle for both of us) and some other great stuff (Ghostbusters gift pack and Nirvana Unplugged on DVD, anyone?). Problem is, I need to update the Zune software from the internet and I'm on dial-up at my parents' house. It's 33 megabytes, but it feels like a billion.

In other news, the Weather Channel has released a CD with some of their most popular music that is played during the local forecast segments. That's just funny to me for some reason.

Mood: Relaxed at Last
Music: Johnny Cash - Further On Up The Road

Tags (beta): christmas, kate, music

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