Kick names, take ass.

6-25-2004 4:11 pm
nitrusoxyde: A BAD IDEA
Ok guys I want you to read every word of this.

* The bottom of this thread will contain a link to a picture. *

1) This is the most disturbing thing you'll ever see.
2) ***** It is not safe for SCHOOL, WORK, or PARENTS. *****
3) Gross does not do it justice.
4) This is worse than any pansy tubgirl or motorcycleface shot.
5) I am only posting this in hopes of forgetting it by laughing at people who view it.


David - ()
Darnit Nitrus. I am at work! Now I will have to wait until I drive home, to see what is "the most disturbing thing" I will ever see. I'm almost tempted to follow it anyway...
Demannu - (<--- Eats Worms)
Why would you post something like this? Are you just trying to be a pain in the ass?
fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I did not follow the link, but I am sure it is disturbing. I simply can't handle seeing something of that calibur in my current state. So I cannot look. Sorry, Nitrus... : (
emajination - ()
thats not disturbing, I can show you some disturbing stuff go to
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