Kick names, take ass.
6-21-2004 1:06 am
aerocross: Feature/Fix? for Vent :)
Hey Barret :) I got a request for Vent. When I modify a post. It changes the Entry date. Can you make a feature that makes the Entry date static? (cuz thats when it was entered :P) and make a little section or something if it was modified? :)

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10-17-2003 12:25 pm
aerocross: cool
wheres the source luke wheres the source! hehe

Comments (3)

10-17-2003 12:07 pm
aerocross: test

Comments (1)

10-17-2003 12:13 am
aerocross: blah
test yadda yadda. do de da!

Mood: tired
Music: commercials?
Browsing: uhhh

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