Kick names, take ass.

9-26-2005 5:53 am
Thr4ll: Coldplay Fuckin Rocks!!!
On the 18th I had the pleasure of seeing the greatest modern rock band of our time in Nashville. They fuckin kicked everybody's ass. It was the single most amazing night of my life. The light show itself was amazing. During 'Swallowed In The Sea' there literally was a sea of words that encompassed the entire amphitheatre. The music was spectacular. Never before have I seen someone dive so fully into the music. Chris Martin is truly a great performer. When he ran out into the audience and started singing, everyone went crazy. It was amazing.

On a slightly different note, I saw Switchfoot perform on Friday. Meh.

Now, I must sleep so I may actually be awake for class tomorrow.


Mood: Tired but Happy
Music: Cat Stevens - Father and Son
Browsing: Wes Molebash - My Overlord

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
You're title praises Coldplay, but you're listening to Cat Stevens. Haha.
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