Kick names, take ass.

10-02-2005 6:55 pm
Thr4ll: All Is Back to Normal
I've now made up for my lack of comics this week. Now, just to get next week's comics ready...

PS. I've turned off the comments due to the amount of comment spam I was getting. Oh, how I loathe them.

Mood: Artsy
Music: Death Cab - Crooked Teeth
Browsing: Theory of Everything

fuzmeister - (The Real ST)
I liked those rabbits in that recent one.
Thr4ll - (The feels familiar...)
I don't need your pity!

No, just kidding. I require your pity to survive. Hopefully, in the next couple of weeks, a friend of mine should start to do the art. First, we're going to try to take the comic to a whole new level. All we have right now is alot of maybes. Maybe it will be four panel. Maybe it will be linear(doubt that). Maybe it will be a Gary Larson-esque one panel. We'll have to see, I guess. Maybe it will have a little penguin sidekick. Dunno. I do know this though. If we're actually any good at this, we're going full-ass into it. Website, blog, millions of screaming fans, our own segment on Digital Strips, and, dare I say it, SWAG!
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All that I have is finally over...If given the chance, I'd do it all over....Lonely hearts are breaking tonight...
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