Kick names, take ass.

10-09-2005 5:43 am
Thr4ll: w00t!
Not much to report. I had a wonderful evening the little lass. Other than that, um, well, I got my Zoinks Webcomic Newspaper. That thing is awesome. Order one today, you'll be better for it.

Mood: We are pleased...
Music: Extreme - More Than Words
Browsing: Zoinks!

10-02-2005 6:55 pm
Thr4ll: All Is Back to Normal
I've now made up for my lack of comics this week. Now, just to get next week's comics ready...

PS. I've turned off the comments due to the amount of comment spam I was getting. Oh, how I loathe them.

Mood: Artsy
Music: Death Cab - Crooked Teeth
Browsing: Theory of Everything

10-01-2005 6:54 pm
Thr4ll: Little of this, little of that...
I've had kinda busy week. My presentation in my MIS class went well. I feel bad for all those idiots who got called on before me that didn't want to do theirs that day. Now, they have to do their presentation on something way harder than mine. Hoorah. Well, my lady love is coming over this fine evening, so, I better go clean up. Aloha.

Mood: Chillin'
Music: Sam Phillips - I Don't Know How to Say Goodbye to You
Browsing: Engadget - A Gadget Blog?! How Novel...

9-26-2005 5:53 am
Thr4ll: Coldplay Fuckin Rocks!!!
On the 18th I had the pleasure of seeing the greatest modern rock band of our time in Nashville. They fuckin kicked everybody's ass. It was the single most amazing night of my life. The light show itself was amazing. During 'Swallowed In The Sea' there literally was a sea of words that encompassed the entire amphitheatre. The music was spectacular. Never before have I seen someone dive so fully into the music. Chris Martin is truly a great performer. When he ran out into the audience and started singing, everyone went crazy. It was amazing.

On a slightly different note, I saw Switchfoot perform on Friday. Meh.

Now, I must sleep so I may actually be awake for class tomorrow.


Mood: Tired but Happy
Music: Cat Stevens - Father and Son
Browsing: Wes Molebash - My Overlord

9-25-2005 5:15 am
Thr4ll: My Life, My Comic, and My Home(Vent)
First and foremost, I would like to apologize to Fuzzy. I have not done my part to keep in touch with him since I left Vent so long ago. It took a long time, but now this blog has become pretty much secret again. Everyone who got all bent out of shape by my posts here is either dead or out of my life. Just in case, I've deleted all my past entries so I can have a fresh start. Now, I think it's time I made a comeback. Boy, have I missed this place.

Well, my life has changed a lot. I'm dating a girl named Laura. She is wonderful and not crazy. I'm at the University of Memphis, and I think I'll have my MSBA in the fall of 08. I watch Lost, and listen to way to much Coldplay. I have also started a crappily drawn webcomic entitled 'Theory of Everything'. It's linked if you would like to enjoy my odd sense of humor. I update it every weekday, but don't worry about missing any story. It's just a gag-a-day thing.

Anyway, I'm happy to finally be back home. I don't think I'll leave again. I love this place too much. I'm also jazzed about getting to know, as well as one can over a blog, the people who have joined since I left. Hi, everybody!

Mood: Rejuvenated
Music: Coldplay - Everything's Not Lost
Browsing: Theory of Everything

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