Kick names, take ass.
3-16-2010 8:11 pm
fuzmeister: Trevor Rebirth
I feel like my biggest shortcoming in life has always been being too ambitious. I don't know that it's always been bad, but it seems like many times things failed along way and crippled the entire process of whatever it was I was intending to do.

I found some unused music today Andy Woodward did for the Trevor dreamcast remakes we had briefly planned on doing back in 2006/2007. I wouldn't mind revisiting the series someday and using those tracks as they're damn good.

If there's one thing I regret in terms of Andy and S+F Software is I always seemed to give more opportunities to Josh Deeb. That isn't to say Josh isn't a good musician, but I think a lot of Andy's contributions I wrote off as "too weird" at the time. Take Rapid Fire DX (originally planned to be Rapid Fire II) - Andy did about 8 songs for the game. We ended up not using those in favor of Josh's much more standard techno/shooter type of music. I don't necessarily regret this decision as I still think the music we chose to use fit much better with the game. I guess I regret that Andy and I never found our creative common ground in terms of game design.

Finding the directory of MP3s today with the unused Trevor remake music though makes me think we were close to it. These tracks are unique on their own, but would have sat really well in the world we had created.

Who knows what the future holds...?

Mood: Kinda Upset/Sad
Music: Kraftwerk - Autobahn

Tags (beta): s+f software, game design

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11-04-2008 1:59 am
fuzmeister: Inherit The Tech
So I "inherited" Kate's "old" computer and bought Portal yesterday. So far, it's really great - definitely an achievement in design.

Mood: Tired, Actually
Music: Eagles of Death Metal - Wannabe in L.A.

Tags (beta): video games, computers, game design

Comments (3)

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