Kick names, take ass.
6-23-2008 5:49 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: You Should See This
I'm not sure when it was released, but the Official Spore website released a trial creature creator for the game . Try it out. It's really pretty neat.

At the moment, however, they seem to be having server problems. It was working this morning, though.

Tags (beta): games, computers

Comments (4)

4-29-2008 1:55 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Laptop Update
When I called HP, we determined that the monitor on my laptop does, in fact, work. If you hold F10, I think it was, the BIOS displays, but Windows still loads not. The computer is currently in the shop, and I am on my Wii.

Speaking of the Wii, I wrapped up some change I had and bought Super Smash Brothers Brawl yesterday. So far it's pretty fun, and I'll probably feel like giving a more detailed opinion once I've had it longer.

Tags (beta): games, wii, computers

Comments (2)

3-30-2008 12:52 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: It Gives a Lovely Light
Ping-Pong balls are flammable.

This has been a public service announcement.

Mood: Excited
Music: Gaelic Storm - Swimmin' in the Sea
Attending: Marmalade Dog

Tags (beta): games, flammability

Comments (1)

3-06-2008 6:36 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Sorry to Do This, But...
I just had to post the best comment I've heard about Gygax. It's irreverent, but appropriate and amusing:

"He failed his save versus death."

Tags (beta): games, celebrity obituaries

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3-05-2008 1:55 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: Sadly, Another Celebrity Obituary
Gary Gygax passed away yesterday.

Go crawl a dungeon or slay a dragon in honor of his memory.

Do it!

Tags (beta): games, celebrity obituaries

Comments (3)

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