Kick names, take ass.
1-18-2024 4:54 pm
Brandon: Don
Just testing things.

Testing: is good dandori!
Mood: Nostalgic?
Mood: Eh

Tags (beta): a, b, music

Comments (2)

3-13-2008 10:24 pm
Brandon: The CAKE is a lie!
Ok, I'm sorry. I know by now that Portal references are old hat, or something like that.

Anyway, so apparently Ford and the folks who do American Idol made a really crappy cover of The Distance, by Cake without permission. Thats a pretty crappy thing to do, even if I think that some copyright is overprotected. This isn't a case of someone using a song for their personal use, this is a big company using a copyrighted work for profit without obtaining rights from the copyright holder.

The video in question can be viewed here

Anyway, thats my rant

Hungry: for cake. The real kind, with frosting and all that.

Tags (beta): cake, music, pirate, copyright, riaa

Comments (1)

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