Kick names, take ass.
2-19-2008 2:26 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Is This as Obvious to Everyone Else As It Is to Me?
Gallagher and the Smashing Pumpkins as a combo act.

Mood: Feelin' Fine
TV: The History of the Joke
Water Bottle: Empty

Tags (beta): celebrities, word play

Comments (1)

1-16-2008 1:05 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Things, Stuff, and Miscellaneous
1) I have it on decent authority that I should have my laptop back tomorrow, but that the warranty doesn't cover hardware damage, so it had to be payed for. I'll presumably pay my step father for it next time I see him.

2) I ran into Nicholas* again today. He's going to send me an e-mail, and he, Annie and I are going to get together and catch up and whatnot.

3) The spell checker Vent uses recognizes the word "whatnot."

4) I have completed the homework I needed to do in the computer lab and am now just killing time.

5) Stifle is an anagram of itself.

*see previous post

Mood: Not Unhappy
Music: Jonathan Coulton - I
Classes Tomorrow: 4

Tags (beta): computers, random encounters, vent, word play

Comments (2)

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