Vent: A blog, of sorts.
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the reanimated corpse of Orville Redenbacher
Demannu at 1-16-2007 6:06 pm
It appeared during the golden globe awards tonight. Creepy as hell. It may have ruined popcorn for me. I may never sleep again.

Comments (7)

Archimago () says:
I told you huh?
Demannu (<--- Eats Worms) says:
I actually hadn't read your comment yet. It came as a shock to me.
2-HeadedGiraffe (*(..)*) says:
They've been using him in their commercials for a while, haven't they?
Archimago () says:
this is a digital recreation
David () says:

Personally, I don't think it looks all that much like him. The whole thing was really just creepy. Apparantly they shot 3 actors and blended their features into this...aberation.
2-HeadedGiraffe (*(..)*) says:
He looks kind of creepy. If I saw him on the street, and he offered me popcorn, I wouldn't take it. I'd run in the other direction.
David () says:
Those are some old-school hearing aids he's wearing there.
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