Vent: A blog, of sorts.
Kick names, take ass.
An ugly little world
Archimago at 4-21-2016 1:33 pm
It's easy to look at our world and be disgusted. I think it's the Internet. It's an amplification of the 24 hour news cycle. We glorify the worst of our society.
Sitting quietly in the shade reading a book = 1 like
Some jackass punches another jackass in McDonalds = 1 million likes

The smallest transgressions are suddenly national news. Most of these things don't matter.

Scientific research estimates that there are over 100 million galaxies out there. GALAXIES! Each of those galaxies are packed ful of stars. Untold planets. There is zero evidence that there is life on any of them, but I believe there is. I believe that life exists on many planets. The life may be simple or complex, but it exists. Some of that life may be intelligent. And on one of those planets, societies have formed with their own unique customs and social norms.
The thought that makes me feel better about our ugly little world is that on that other perfectly strange little planet, genocide and murder and rape and villainy exists the same as on ours.

Comments (4)

Nathan Tyree (Overwhelmed by existential angst) says:
so, you are saying that there is nothing special about us or our place in the universe? I happen to believe that. I am surprised that you do.
David () says:
Easy there, Jon Osterman. Being unique and above all others does not equal being special.

I think the multiverse is lousy with life. I also think all of it is special. Especially mine because it's the only one I'm positive exists.
Archimago () says:
Nate - Why would that surprise you?
David - I think the same way about free will vs determinism. I think that even if everything is predetermined, we have no choice but to live as if we had free will.
Archimago () says:
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