Kick names, take ass.
7-15-2008 5:17 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: What? The Devil is Evolving!
This Discovery News article talks about the plight of the Tasmanian Devil. Apparently, they've started breeding at a younger age in response to high mortality rates due to the facial tumor disease which has been ravaging their population since the 90's. It's unclear whether it's a natural disease or accidentally caused by people (the latter seems likely, though, with how we've otherwise raped this planet).

Anyway, I just find this stuff fascinating, while at the same time, it's disturbing. Stupid humans.

Mood: This is upsetting

Tags (beta): science, animals

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6-27-2008 6:56 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: You Wouldn't Like Me When I'm Hungry.
So I recently saw The Incredible Hulk, or Avengers Preview Movie 2. Seriously, both the endings of this and of Iron Man set up the idea of an Avengers movie. Okay, we get it. You're making an Avengers movie. How many two-hour trailers for it are you going to release?

Seriously, though, it was a rather well-done movie. Contrary to what I'd heard, it wasn't a complete reboot, and at least acknowledged some of the events of the first film even if it retconned some of the details. The presence at one point of the theme (and, so I'm told, the actor) from the original Hulk TV series was a nice touch. At first I thought the whole "Mr. Blue" thing was kind of lame, until the guy I saw the film with (his name's Malkam) explained to me who that character actually was in the comics, which in turn made his last scene in the movie more meaningful. I was aware of the character, but I hadn't known or at least hadn't recognized his name.

Time: 2:50 AM
Water Bottle: Empty
TV: Off

Tags (beta): movies

Comments (1)

6-23-2008 5:49 pm
2-HeadedGiraffe: You Should See This
I'm not sure when it was released, but the Official Spore website released a trial creature creator for the game . Try it out. It's really pretty neat.

At the moment, however, they seem to be having server problems. It was working this morning, though.

Tags (beta): games, computers

Comments (4)

6-20-2008 11:54 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: A Post About a Comic That's Not Mine
Today's Dueling Analogs strip is an expansion on an idea that cropped up on Vent once before. I thought it was somewhat amusing. Someone remind me to update this post later to make it a link to the strip in the archive once it's there, which I guess should be after that strip's next scheduled update, Mondayish.

Mood: Feelin
Music: Steve Thompson - Crazy (Gnarls Barkley Cover)
Etc.: Blade Runner

Tags (beta): comics, politics

Comments (1)

6-14-2008 5:03 am
2-HeadedGiraffe: Celebrity Deaths on Vent
Sure, anyone can post about when a celebrity dies. The real trick would be to identify the future celebrities as they're being born.

Tags (beta): celebrities

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