Kick names, take ass.
2-26-2008 2:43 am
fuzmeister: Good News, Everyone
I'm engaged!

Mood: Relaxed
Music: The Beatles - Cry Baby Cry

Tags (beta): love, kate

Comments (7)

12-22-2007 8:36 pm
fuzmeister: Music in All Aspects of Life
I'm back in Lititz for the Christmas holiday. The traffic coming home today was kind of busy, but I made it home in under 4 hours... maybe it was under 3 and a half; not sure.

Last night I was at Kate's parents' house. She and I exchanged Christmas presents since we can't be together on the holiday. She got me a 30GB Zune (a blessing after this past years' iPod debacle for both of us) and some other great stuff (Ghostbusters gift pack and Nirvana Unplugged on DVD, anyone?). Problem is, I need to update the Zune software from the internet and I'm on dial-up at my parents' house. It's 33 megabytes, but it feels like a billion.

In other news, the Weather Channel has released a CD with some of their most popular music that is played during the local forecast segments. That's just funny to me for some reason.

Mood: Relaxed at Last
Music: Johnny Cash - Further On Up The Road

Tags (beta): christmas, kate, music

Comments (4)

11-05-2007 12:50 am
fuzmeister: Taking Monday Off
I decided that I am taking off tomorrow to spend an extra day in Johnstown. The time change is screwing with my mind, perhaps.

Currently, I am enjoying some radio while Kate works on a paper.

That's all for now - sorry for the bland, uneventful post.

Mood: Relaxed
Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers - Slow Cheetah

Tags (beta): kate

Comments (4)

10-08-2007 2:44 am
fuzmeister: Food For Thought (and Eating)
So tonight I came home from visiting Kate in Johnstown and my neighbor was, like, "Hey, Steve!" And I was like, "Hey, how's it going?". To make a long story short, he made stuffed shells for his son's birthday this weekend and made extra so I've got about six delicious-looking stuffed shells in the fridge for dinner early this week. He's a pretty cool neighbor. Rock on.

Speaking of food, Kate took me out to the Fu Ji Japanese Steakhouse in Johnstown for lunch today. Damn - that was a fun little experience. The hibachi chef kept throwing broccoli in my mouth like three or four times (ok, so he only got it in once). He cooked up some tasty shrimp, chicken, and filet mignon which Kate and I split. It was quite tasty. Afterwards we rented 1408. I'm going to not review that film here for the sake of being brief.

I also bought The Sheperd's Dog tonight which is the new record by Iron and Wine. I had downloaded it illegally (shh) a few weeks ago and was almost instantly sold on it. The world-type percussion parts are sick. In honor of Sam Beam, I am going to be growing out my beard until Christmas... tentatively.

Mood: Relaxed
Music: Billy Joel - New York State of Mind

Tags (beta): kate, food, music

Comments (2)

10-02-2007 12:57 pm
fuzmeister: Tuesday Soirée
So tonight I'm going up to Pittsburgh again to see Andrew Bird at the Carnegie Music Hall. Should be a smashing show - no one ever says smashing in the states. I think it should be a requirement for every American to say smashing at least once a week. Regardless, the show should be really good.

Kate's got me worried after some going-on's last night. I mean, everything is alright with her, but certain things going on around her are not ideal. I'm concerned. That's ambiguous.

Mood: Tired
Music: Electric Six - Danger! High Voltage

Tags (beta): music, kate

Comments (3)

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