JesusFreak: Retainers up your Sleeve!
Oh, The wonders of college laundrymats... today as I was dresssing I discovered something metal tangled in the lace sleeve of my shirt. As I proceeded to untangle it, I realized, this is someone's retainer! Hm..well, neither Jen nor I have any sort of oral equipment, which means, I acquired this piece in the wonderful laundry facilities provided here at Millersville. Yay! Not only are half of our four washers out of order, but now we get the pleasure of discovering people's assorted framework tangled in our clothes! Wow, no wonder college is considered the best time of your life! So, needless to say, that got my day off to an eventful start! Hey, have a great rest of the day everyone...and remember...check your clothes before you put them on....sick.

Mood: Laughing, while cringing at the same time!
Music: Paul Coleman Trio...hasn't stopped spinning for days!

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